utils.rsuse crate::core::Result;
pub(super) fn nearest_int(v: f32) -> i32 {
v.round() as i32
pub(super) fn group_for_quantization<'a, 'b, T: super::k_quants::GgmlType>(
xs: &'b [f32],
ys: &'a mut [T],
) -> Result<Vec<(&'a mut T, &'b [f32])>> {
let block_size = T::BLCK_SIZE;
let dtype = T::DTYPE;
let expected_blocks = xs.len() / block_size;
let actual_blocks = ys.len();
if expected_blocks != actual_blocks {
crate::bail!("quantize {dtype:?}: expected {expected_blocks} blocks but only {actual_blocks} were provided!")
pub(super) fn group_for_dequantization<'a, 'b, T: super::k_quants::GgmlType>(
xs: &'a [T],
ys: &'b mut [f32],
) -> Result<Vec<(&'a T, &'b mut [f32])>> {
let block_size = T::BLCK_SIZE;
let dtype = T::DTYPE;
let actual_output_len = ys.len();
let expected_output_len = xs.len() * block_size;
if expected_output_len != actual_output_len {
crate::bail!("dequantize {dtype:?}: ys (len = {actual_output_len}) does not match the expected length of {expected_output_len}!")
pub(super) fn get_scale_min_k4(j: usize, q: &[u8]) -> (u8, u8) {
if j < 4 {
let d = q[j] & 63;
let m = q[j + 4] & 63;
(d, m)
} else {
let d = (q[j + 4] & 0xF) | ((q[j - 4] >> 6) << 4);
let m = (q[j + 4] >> 4) | ((q[j] >> 6) << 4);
(d, m)
pub(super) unsafe fn make_qx_quants(
n: usize,
nmax: i32,
x: *const f32,
ls: *mut i8,
rmse_type: i32,
qw: *const f32,
) -> f32 {
let mut max = 0f32;
let mut amax = 0f32;
for i in 0..n {
let x = *x.add(i);
let ax = x.abs();
if ax > amax {
amax = ax;
max = x;
if amax == 0. {
for i in 0..n {
*ls.add(i) = 0;
return 0.;
let mut iscale = -(nmax as f32) / max;
if rmse_type == 0 {
for i in 0..n {
let x = *x.add(i);
let l = nearest_int(iscale * x);
*ls.add(i) = (nmax + l.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1)) as i8;
return 1.0 / iscale;
let weight_type = rmse_type % 2;
let mut sumlx = 0f32;
let mut suml2 = 0f32;
for i in 0..n {
let x = *x.add(i);
let l = nearest_int(iscale * x);
let l = l.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1);
*ls.add(i) = (l + nmax) as i8;
let w = if !qw.is_null() {
} else if weight_type == 1 {
x * x
} else {
let l = l as f32;
sumlx += w * x * l;
suml2 += w * l * l;
let mut scale = sumlx / suml2;
let mut best = scale * sumlx;
for _itry in 0..3 {
let iscale = 1.0 / scale;
let mut slx = 0f32;
let mut sl2 = 0f32;
let mut changed = false;
for i in 0..n {
let x = *x.add(i);
let l = nearest_int(iscale * x);
let l = l.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1);
if l + nmax != *ls.add(i) as i32 {
changed = true;
let w = if !qw.is_null() {
} else if weight_type == 1 {
x * x
} else {
let l = l as f32;
slx += w * x * l;
sl2 += w * l * l;
if !changed || sl2 == 0.0 || slx * slx <= best * sl2 {
for i in 0..n {
let x = *x.add(i);
let l = nearest_int(iscale * x);
*ls.add(i) = (nmax + l.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1)) as i8;
sumlx = slx;
suml2 = sl2;
scale = sumlx / suml2;
best = scale * sumlx;
for _itry in 0..5 {
let mut n_changed = 0;
for i in 0..n {
let x = *x.add(i);
let w = if !qw.is_null() {
} else if weight_type == 1 {
x * x
} else {
let l = *ls.add(i) as i32 - nmax;
let mut slx = sumlx - w * x * l as f32;
if slx > 0. {
let mut sl2 = suml2 - w * l as f32 * l as f32;
let new_l = nearest_int(x * sl2 / slx);
let new_l = new_l.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1);
if new_l != l {
slx += w * x * new_l as f32;
sl2 += w * new_l as f32 * new_l as f32;
if sl2 > 0. && slx * slx * suml2 > sumlx * sumlx * sl2 {
*ls.add(i) = (nmax + new_l) as i8;
sumlx = slx;
suml2 = sl2;
scale = sumlx / suml2;
best = scale * sumlx;
n_changed += 1;
if n_changed == 0 {
if rmse_type < 3 {
return scale;
for is in -4..4 {
if is == 0 {
iscale = -(nmax as f32 + 0.1f32 * is as f32) / max;
let mut sumlx = 0.;
let mut suml2 = 0.;
for i in 0..n {
let x = *x.add(i);
let l = nearest_int(iscale * x);
let l = l.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1);
let w = if !qw.is_null() {
} else if weight_type == 1 {
x * x
} else {
let l = l as f32;
sumlx += w * x * l;
suml2 += w * l * l;
if suml2 > 0. && sumlx * sumlx > best * suml2 {
for i in 0..n {
let x = *x.add(i);
let l = nearest_int(iscale * x);
*ls.add(i) = (nmax + l.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1)) as i8;
scale = sumlx / suml2;
best = scale * sumlx;
pub(super) fn make_qkx1_quants(nmax: i32, ntry: usize, x: &[f32]) -> (f32, f32) {
let n = x.len();
let mut l = vec![0; n];
let min = *x
.min_by(|a, b| a.total_cmp(b))
let max = *x.iter().max_by(|a, b| a.total_cmp(b)).unwrap_or(&x[0]);
if max == min {
return (0.0, 0.0);
let mut min = min.min(0.);
let mut iscale = nmax as f32 / (max - min);
let mut scale = 1.0 / iscale;
for _ in 0..ntry {
let mut sumlx = 0.0;
let mut suml2 = 0;
let mut did_change = false;
for (i, value) in x.iter().enumerate().take(n) {
let li = nearest_int(iscale * (value - min)).clamp(0, nmax);
let clamped_li = li as u8;
if clamped_li != l[i] {
l[i] = clamped_li;
did_change = true;
sumlx += (value - min) * li as f32;
suml2 += li * li;
scale = sumlx / suml2 as f32;
let sum: f32 = x
.map(|(xi, &li)| xi - scale * li as f32)
min = sum / n as f32;
if min > 0.0 {
min = 0.0;
iscale = 1.0 / scale;
if !did_change {
(scale, -min)
pub(super) fn make_q3_quants(x: &[f32], nmax: i32, do_rmse: bool) -> f32 {
let n = x.len();
let mut l = vec![0i8; n];
let mut max = 0.0;
let mut amax = 0.0;
for &xi in x.iter().take(n) {
let ax = xi.abs();
if ax > amax {
amax = ax;
max = xi;
if amax == 0.0 {
return 0.0;
let iscale = -(nmax as f32) / max;
if do_rmse {
let mut sumlx = 0.0;
let mut suml2 = 0.0;
for i in 0..n {
let li = (iscale * x[i]).round() as i32;
let li = li.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1);
l[i] = li as i8;
let w = x[i] * x[i];
sumlx += w * x[i] * li as f32;
suml2 += w * (li * li) as f32;
for _ in 0..5 {
let mut n_changed = 0;
for i in 0..n {
let w = x[i] * x[i];
let mut slx = sumlx - w * x[i] * l[i] as f32;
if slx > 0.0 {
let mut sl2 = suml2 - w * (l[i] as i32 * l[i] as i32) as f32;
let mut new_l = (x[i] * sl2 / slx).round() as i32;
new_l = new_l.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1);
if new_l != l[i] as i32 {
slx += w * x[i] * new_l as f32;
sl2 += w * (new_l * new_l) as f32;
if sl2 > 0.0 && slx * slx * suml2 > sumlx * sumlx * sl2 {
l[i] = new_l as i8;
sumlx = slx;
suml2 = sl2;
n_changed += 1;
if n_changed == 0 {
for li in l.iter_mut() {
*li += nmax as i8;
return sumlx / suml2;
for i in 0..n {
let li = (iscale * x[i]).round() as i32;
l[i] = (li.clamp(-nmax, nmax - 1) + nmax) as i8;
1.0 / iscale
pub(super) fn make_qkx3_quants(
nmax: i32,
x: &[f32],
weights: Option<&[f32]>,
rmin: f32,
rdelta: f32,
nstep: usize,
use_mad: bool,
) -> (f32, f32) {
let n = x.len();
let mut l: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let mut l_aux: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let mut min_val = x[0];
let mut max_val = x[0];
let mut sum_w = match weights {
Some(w) => w[0],
None => x[0] * x[0],
let mut sum_x = sum_w * x[0];
for i in 1..n {
if x[i] < min_val {
min_val = x[i];
if x[i] > max_val {
max_val = x[i];
let w = match weights {
Some(w) => w[i],
None => x[i] * x[i],
sum_w += w;
sum_x += w * x[i];
if min_val > 0.0 {
min_val = 0.0;
if max_val <= min_val {
return (0.0, -min_val);
let mut iscale = nmax as f32 / (max_val - min_val);
let mut scale = 1.0 / iscale;
let mut best_mad = 0.0;
for i in 0..n {
let l_val = nearest_int(iscale * (x[i] - min_val)).clamp(0, nmax) as u8;
l[i] = l_val;
let diff = scale * (l_val as f32) + min_val - x[i];
let diff = if use_mad { diff.abs() } else { diff * diff };
let w = match weights {
Some(w) => w[i],
None => x[i] * x[i],
best_mad += w * diff;
if nstep < 1 {
return (scale, -min_val);
for is in 0..=nstep {
iscale = (rmin + rdelta * is as f32 + nmax as f32) / (max_val - min_val);
let (mut sum_l, mut sum_l2, mut sum_xl) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for i in 0..n {
let l_val = nearest_int(iscale * (x[i] - min_val)).clamp(0, nmax) as u8;
l_aux[i] = l_val;
let w = match weights {
Some(w) => w[i],
None => x[i] * x[i],
sum_l += w * l_val as f32;
sum_l2 += w * (l_val as f32).powi(2);
sum_xl += w * l_val as f32 * x[i];
let d = sum_w * sum_l2 - sum_l * sum_l;
if d > 0.0 {
let mut this_scale = (sum_w * sum_xl - sum_x * sum_l) / d;
let mut this_min = (sum_l2 * sum_x - sum_l * sum_xl) / d;
if this_min > 0.0 {
this_min = 0.0;
this_scale = sum_xl / sum_l2;
let mut mad = 0.0;
for i in 0..n {
let diff = this_scale * (l_aux[i] as f32) + this_min - x[i];
let diff = if use_mad { diff.abs() } else { diff * diff };
let w = match weights {
Some(w) => w[i],
None => x[i] * x[i],
mad += w * diff;
if mad < best_mad {
best_mad = mad;
scale = this_scale;
min_val = this_min;
(scale, -min_val)
pub(super) fn make_qp_quants(
n: usize,
nmax: u8,
x: &[f32],
l: &mut [u8],
quant_weights: &[f32],
) -> f32 {
assert_eq!(x.len(), n);
assert_eq!(l.len(), n);
assert_eq!(quant_weights.len(), n);
let max = x.iter().copied().fold(0.0, f32::max);
if max == 0.0 {
l.iter_mut().for_each(|li| *li = 0);
return 0.0;
let mut iscale = nmax as f32 / max;
for (xi, li) in x.iter().zip(l.iter_mut()) {
*li = nearest_int(iscale * xi) as u8;
let scale = 1.0 / iscale;
let mut best_mse = x
.map(|((&xi, &li), &w)| {
let diff = xi - scale * li as f32;
w * diff * diff
for is in -4..=4 {
if is == 0 {
let iscale_is = (0.1 * is as f32 + nmax as f32) / max;
let scale_is = 1.0 / iscale_is;
let mse = x
.map(|(&xi, &w)| {
let mut li = nearest_int(iscale_is * xi) as u8;
li = li.min(nmax);
let diff = xi - scale_is * li as f32;
w * diff * diff
if mse < best_mse {
best_mse = mse;
iscale = iscale_is;
let mut sumlx = 0.0;
let mut suml2 = 0.0;
for ((xi, li), &w) in x.iter().zip(l.iter_mut()).zip(quant_weights.iter()) {
let mut li_new = (iscale * xi).round() as u8;
li_new = li_new.min(nmax);
*li = li_new;
sumlx += w * xi * li_new as f32;
suml2 += w * (li_new as f32).powi(2);
for _ in 0..5 {
let mut n_changed = 0;
for ((xi, li), &w) in x.iter().zip(l.iter_mut()).zip(quant_weights.iter()) {
let mut slx = sumlx - w * xi * *li as f32;
let mut sl2 = suml2 - w * (*li as f32).powi(2);
if slx > 0.0 && sl2 > 0.0 {
let new_li = (nearest_int(xi * sl2 / slx) as u8).min(nmax);
if new_li != *li {
slx += w * xi * new_li as f32;
sl2 += w * (new_li as f32).powi(2);
if slx.powi(2) * suml2 > sumlx.powi(2) * sl2 {
*li = new_li;
sumlx = slx;
suml2 = sl2;
n_changed += 1;
if n_changed == 0 {
sumlx / suml2