use std::collections::HashMap;
use anyhow::Result;
use either::Either;
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use itertools::Itertools;
use minijinja::{context, value::Kwargs, Environment, Error, ErrorKind, Value};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tokenizers::Tokenizer;
use tracing::info;
use crate::{MessageContent, Tool};
const SUPPORTED_ALTERNATE_EOS: &[&str] = &[
"<|im_end|>", "<end_of_turn>", ];
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct AddedTokensDecoder {
__type: Option<String>,
pub content: String,
lstrip: bool,
normalized: bool,
rstrip: bool,
single_word: bool,
special: Option<bool>,
fn raise_exception(msg: String) -> Result<String, minijinja::Error> {
Err(minijinja::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidOperation, msg))
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct BeginEndUnkPadTok(
#[serde(with = "either::serde_untagged")] pub Either<String, AddedTokensDecoder>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct ChatTemplateValue(
#[serde(with = "either::serde_untagged")] pub Either<String, Vec<HashMap<String, String>>>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default)]
pub struct ChatTemplate {
add_bos_token: Option<bool>,
add_eos_token: Option<bool>,
added_tokens_decoder: Option<HashMap<String, AddedTokensDecoder>>,
additional_special_tokens: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub bos_token: Option<BeginEndUnkPadTok>,
pub chat_template: Option<ChatTemplateValue>,
clean_up_tokenization_spaces: Option<bool>,
device_map: Option<String>,
pub eos_token: Option<BeginEndUnkPadTok>,
legacy: Option<bool>,
model_max_length: Option<f64>,
pub pad_token: Option<BeginEndUnkPadTok>,
sp_model_kwargs: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
spaces_between_special_tokens: Option<bool>,
tokenizer_class: Option<String>,
truncation_size: Option<String>,
pub unk_token: Option<BeginEndUnkPadTok>,
use_default_system_prompt: Option<bool>,
impl ChatTemplate {
pub fn has_chat_template(&self) -> bool {
pub fn eos_tok(&self) -> Option<String> {
match self.eos_token.as_ref()?.0 {
Either::Left(ref lit) => Some(lit.clone()),
Either::Right(ref added) => Some(added.content.clone()),
pub fn bos_tok(&self) -> Option<String> {
match self.bos_token.as_ref()?.0 {
Either::Left(ref lit) => Some(lit.clone()),
Either::Right(ref added) => Some(added.content.clone()),
pub fn unk_tok(&self) -> Option<String> {
match self.unk_token.as_ref()?.0 {
Either::Left(ref lit) => Some(lit.clone()),
Either::Right(ref added) => Some(added.content.clone()),
pub fn calculate_eos_tokens(
chat_template: &ChatTemplate,
gen_conf: Option<GenerationConfig>,
tokenizer: &Tokenizer,
) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut eos_tok_ids = chat_template.eos_tok().map(|x| vec![x]).unwrap_or_default();
let mut bos_tok_ids = chat_template.bos_tok().map(|b| vec![b]).unwrap_or_default();
for alternate in SUPPORTED_ALTERNATE_EOS {
if tokenizer.get_vocab(true).contains_key(*alternate) {
if let Some(gen_conf) = gen_conf {
let ids = match gen_conf.eos_token_id {
Either::Left(id) => vec![id],
Either::Right(ids) => ids,
for id in ids {
let s = tokenizer
.decode(&[id], false)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to decode id {id})"));
if !eos_tok_ids.contains(&s) {
let ids = match gen_conf.bos_token_id {
Either::Left(id) => vec![id],
Either::Right(ids) => ids,
for id in ids {
let s = tokenizer
.decode(&[id], false)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to decode id {id})"));
if !bos_tok_ids.contains(&s) {
eos_tok_ids = eos_tok_ids.into_iter().dedup().collect::<Vec<_>>();
bos_tok_ids = bos_tok_ids.into_iter().dedup().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let bos_render = bos_tok_ids
.map(|val| format!("{:?}", val))
.join(", ");
let eos_render = eos_tok_ids
.map(|val| format!("{:?}", val))
.join(", ");
"bos_toks = {bos_render}, eos_toks = {eos_render}, unk_tok = {}",
let mut eos_toks = Vec::new();
for eos_tok in eos_tok_ids {
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Unable to extract `{eos_tok}` EOS token.")),
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct GenerationConfig {
#[serde(with = "either::serde_untagged")]
bos_token_id: Either<u32, Vec<u32>>,
#[serde(with = "either::serde_untagged")]
eos_token_id: Either<u32, Vec<u32>>,
fn tojson(value: Value, kwargs: Kwargs) -> Result<Value, Error> {
if let Ok(indent) = kwargs.get("indent") {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let repeat = b" ".repeat(indent);
let formatter = serde_json::ser::PrettyFormatter::with_indent(&repeat);
let mut ser = serde_json::Serializer::with_formatter(&mut buf, formatter);
value.serialize(&mut ser).unwrap();
String::from_utf8(buf).map_err(|err| {
Error::new(ErrorKind::BadSerialization, "cannot serialize to JSON").with_source(err)
} else {
serde_json::to_string(&value).map_err(|err| {
Error::new(ErrorKind::BadSerialization, "cannot serialize to JSON").with_source(err)
.map_err(|err| {
Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidOperation, "cannot serialize to JSON").with_source(err)
.map(|s| {
let mut rv = String::with_capacity(s.len());
for c in s.chars() {
match c {
'<' => rv.push_str("\\u003c"),
'>' => rv.push_str("\\u003e"),
'&' => rv.push_str("\\u0026"),
'\'' => rv.push_str("\\u0027"),
_ => rv.push(c),
pub fn apply_chat_template_to(
messages: Vec<IndexMap<String, MessageContent>>,
add_generation_prompt: bool,
template: &ChatTemplateValue,
bos_tok: Option<String>,
eos_tok: Option<String>,
unk_tok: Option<String>,
tools: Vec<Tool>,
) -> Result<String> {
let mut env = Environment::new();
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct UntaggedContent(#[serde(with = "either::serde_untagged")] MessageContent);
let mut new_messages = Vec::new();
for message in messages {
let mut new_message = IndexMap::new();
for (k, v) in message {
new_message.insert(k, UntaggedContent(v));
let template = match &template.0 {
Either::Left(x) => x.clone(),
Either::Right(map) => {
let mut template = "".to_string();
for t in map {
if t.contains_key("tool_use") && !tools.is_empty() {
template = t["tool_use"].clone();
} else if t.contains_key("default") {
template = t["default"].clone();
if template.is_empty() {
anyhow::bail!("Chat template does not contain a `tool_use` or `default` key. Please ensure it contains at least a `default` key, although `tool_use` should be specified for using tools.");
env.add_template("chat_template", &template)?;
env.add_function("raise_exception", raise_exception);
env.add_filter("tojson", tojson);
let tmpl = env.get_template("chat_template").unwrap();
let date = chrono::Utc::now();
let date_string = date.format("%d, %B, %Y").to_string();
if tools.is_empty() {
Ok(tmpl.render(context! {
messages => new_messages,
add_generation_prompt => add_generation_prompt,
bos_token => bos_tok,
eos_token => eos_tok,
unk_token => unk_tok,
date_string => date_string,
} else {
Ok(tmpl.render(context! {
messages => new_messages,
add_generation_prompt => add_generation_prompt,
bos_token => bos_tok,
eos_token => eos_tok,
unk_token => unk_tok,
tools => tools,
date_string => date_string,