use image::{
imageops::FilterType, DynamicImage, GenericImage, GenericImageView, ImageBuffer, Rgb, Rgba,
fn resize_image_to_max_edge(img: &DynamicImage, max_edge: u32) -> DynamicImage {
let (width, height) = img.dimensions();
let scale = if width > height {
max_edge as f32 / width as f32
} else {
max_edge as f32 / height as f32
let new_width = (width as f32 * scale) as u32;
let new_height = (height as f32 * scale) as u32;
img.resize_exact(new_width, new_height, FilterType::Lanczos3)
pub fn pad_to_max_edge(images: &[DynamicImage], max_edge: u32) -> Vec<DynamicImage> {
let mut new_images = Vec::new();
for image in images {
new_images.push(resize_image_to_max_edge(image, max_edge));
let mut max_height = 0;
let mut max_width = 0;
for image in &new_images {
let (w, h) = image.dimensions();
if w > max_width {
max_width = w;
if h > max_height {
max_height = h;
for image in &mut new_images {
match image {
DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(rgb8) => {
let mut padded_image = ImageBuffer::from_pixel(max_width, max_height, Rgb([0; 3]));
.copy_from(rgb8, 0, 0)
.expect("Failed to copy image");
*rgb8 = padded_image;
DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(rgba8) => {
let mut padded_image = ImageBuffer::from_pixel(max_width, max_height, Rgba([0; 4]));
.copy_from(rgba8, 0, 0)
.expect("Failed to copy image");
*rgba8 = padded_image;
_ => panic!("rgb8 or rgba8 are the only supported image types"),